I'm in an English Immersion Program at Zooparque "Los Caimanes"

I'm in an English Immersion Program at Zooparque "Los Caimanes" and I am enjoing  this opportunity the Ministery of Education gave us in order to improve our English teaching and learning. The place is great! but you must respect some rules because there are many wild animal like lions, hippos, snakes and  crocodiles.

Now I am here and ask my self what would I do If I were lost at Zooparque Los Caimanes in the middle of the night?... Well it would be terrible!!! but first of all I'd try to relax thinking about all the information the guides gave us during the tour, and specially thinking the animals are in jails; then I would try to find the way to the hotel fighting against my fear of darkness.

To avoid being stressed out I would recomend you going to the lake and go kayacking,it would be great to sat on the grass and wait for the sunrise and the sunset and finally enjoy the pool during the nights after classes.

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